MLB Announcers Will Call Road Games from Remote Locations

Though it wasn’t surprising by any means, a recent report from 670 The Score’s Bruce Levine regarding the location of MLB broadcasters may offer a little more hope for the start of the season. Levine tweeted Thursday that all TV and radio announcers have been informed they will be calling all road games from either a local studio or their home ballpark with the aid of monitors.

This is something Len Kasper talked with us about on “The Rant” recently and it’s really just a matter of limiting travel and exposure in the interest of health. While it’s sure to make for a strange setting, perhaps the fake crowd noise being pumped in by the networks will offer a measure of normalcy.

More than the fairly obvious decision here, my big takeaway is that this feels like another step forward in the resumption of the MLB season. I mean, it’s entirely possible Levine simply opted for brevity by omitting something like, “if there’s a season,” but the fact that this is being decided signals to me that most of the other matters of contention have been worked out.

As you are probably aware by now, the two sides are almost eye to eye on the safety measures and have agreed to matters like the universal DH. Even prorated salaries are not an issue, so long as the season remains fairly short. Now the only real issue is how many of those road games Kasper and his counterparts are going to have to call from home.