Joe Maddon Again Asked About Game 7 Decisions: “There is No Game 8” (Video)
Like moths fluttering to the glowing porch light of the Sheraton Grand, fans far and wide gathered at the Cubs Convention this past weekend. The Q&A sessions consisted primarily of meatballs lobbing softballs, ensconced as they were in the chrysalis of Cubs love. But wouldn’t you know it, there had to be “that guy” who asked Joe Maddon the same questions he’s answered too many times to count. It’s as if there is no reply that can quench the thirst of even the most die-hard fans who refuse to just acknowledge that, finally, there is nothing left to complain about.
The questions to which I so lovingly refer are those pertaining to Joe Maddon’s decisions in Game 7 of the World Series. You know, the game the Cubs won that resulted in them becoming world champions.
As you’ll hear in the video below, Maddon’s tone indicates that he’s already grown quite tired of this particular merry-go-round. It’s tantamount to a first grade teacher asking a child “what’s one plus one,” getting an answer of “two,” and then continuing to ask the same question with the same answer. Or maybe like a child asking “Why” until their parent gives up and resorts to, “Because I said so.”
This time, the query was posed in a slightly different manner from those we’ve seen in the past. It wasn’t just about Maddon’s decision to pull Kyle Hendricks in favor of Jon Lester and then go with Aroldis Chapman, as was his well-advertised plan heading into the game. The fan also proceeded to school the Cubs skipper on some lesser-known nuances of the game. For instance, that when a pitcher is dealing the opposing hitters are “thrilled” when that pitcher is removed from the game. To provide one more bit of context the fan also stated he was in attendance at Game 7, but that was just before I started recording.
Needless to say, Joe Maddon’s response is very entertaining. Give it a peak.