Follow Me to Wrigley (Post #2) – We’re On Time and in the Air; Chicago Here I Come!
I’m going to be posting updates throughout the day to chronicle my trip from Phoenix, Arizona to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs play, and hopefully beat, the Brewers and, of course, clinch the National League Central Division title. Sure, it may not play out exactly like that but I sure hope it does. In case you missed it, here is my first post of the day today.
I made the flight just in time. Having worked for an airline for 12 years, I’ve kinda got down the whole ‘arrive at the airport, get through security, get to the gate and board the plane’ thing down pat. I walked up just at they were boarding the plane. Good timing!
Everything, so far, has gone pretty smoothly. I have an exit row seat so I have lots of leg room, and that’s always good. Take off was good and now I’m just sitting here, typing away, anticipating the food cart.
Oh, and there’s a lady – I think she’s an off-duty flight attendant – that’s sitting in the fight attendant’s seat in front of me.
It’s pretty random too. She just came up and sat down after we took off – and after the flight attendant that was sitting there, working, got up – and now she’s introducing herself to the guy in front of me. I look pretty busy as I type away so I probably won’t get pulled into the conversation, but you never know. Kind of strange.
Most importantly, the anticipation of arriving in Chicago has me giddy like a school-kid looking at the clock just moments before the bell rings for Summer break. I can’t believe I started my day off watching a pack of wild coyotes hunt down a rabbit in Arizona and will end it at Wrigley Field. Flight is an amazing thing!
The food cart just came and I’ve eaten my wrap, which was pretty tasty. Time to sit back and relax. I’ll update you after I land and get closer to Wrigley. Be sure to check my twitter page too, since I’ll be posting updates there too. Only five hours to game time!!
Here are some pictures of my adventure so far.