Cubs Clips: WATCH Highlights of Cubs’ Incredible 13th Inning Comeback Win

Last night was uniquely awesome in a way that perfectly encapsulates how great this Chicago Cubs team is.

Jake pitched a great game, aided by a great night behind the plate by Willson Contreras, but the ump kinda screwed him on seven bad calls. Jake got flustered, gave up six runs and the Cubs were down 6-3.

Not to worry. Willson Contreras pounded a two-run home run in the eighth and Jorge Soler crushed another solo-shot in the ninth to send the game to extras.

In extras, Javy Baez gets thrown out not once but twice at home plate trying to score. The Pirates take the lead in the 13th only to have the Cubs storm back in the bottom of the 13th to win it, walk-off style.

It’s even more fun to watch.