Details on Zoom Cubsmas Caroling
An annual holiday Cubs fan tradition is going online!
Of all the things that have been changed or canceled this year, the Zoomification of Cubs Caroling around Wrigley hits me hard. Getting together with friends and singing for unsuspecting drunks at Wrigleysville bars is pretty much my favorite thing in the world. But if you’ve never come out to sing my Cubs Christmas Parodies with us, this is your chance to sing along with your quarantine circle in the comfort of your own home Saturday night at 7pm on Zoom!
Here’s how it’s gonna work. Famed bleacher stalwart Bleacher Jeff will be hosting our Zoom Party. Make your favorite Christmas beverage and join the Festivus!
Meeting ID: 872 2327 4205
Passcode: sbucog
Join the Zoom from 6:30-7pm CT, Mute yourself so as not to cause any sound delay, and sing along together to all of this year’s Cubs parodies. Just make sure you’ve got your Digital Cubs Hymnals, and I’ve provided chord sheets with lyrics for all you musical Cubs fans out there. (I’m still working on finalizing these song sheets)
And stick around after singing for some Jackbox games and awesome hang. And stay informed about party updates by joining our Facebook Event.
Want to just tune in to the festivities and not join the Zoom? No problem. We will be streaming live on YouTube and Facebook!
I hope to see you’re smiling singing faces in little Zoom boxes on Saturday night 12/19 at 7pm CT! Keeping the Cubsmas Spirit alive until we can get back out there next year!
Happy Holidays!!
Here’s one of the songs we will be singing tomorrow to get you into the holiday spirit!
Late night #Cubs Carol Drop. “@ihapp_1 Will Play in Centerfield” pic.twitter.com/oTOOzHYtOj
— Cubsmas Caroler (@SonRanto) December 18, 2020